We want to build awareness of ME/CFS:
with people who are struggling with this illness
as well as physicians & other healthcare professionals that don't know about or fully understand the complexities of this invisible illness/disability.
This illness steals a lot from the individual suffering with it, as well as from their families and friends. Many people with ME/CFS have a whole new range of emotions that they are not able to control. This includes the emotions that they feel from not working or not being able to help around the home. There is also guilt and other emotions about how living with this chronic illness affects their entire family’s life in so many ways. In addition, there are problems navivating the healthcare system, and difficulty finding physicians and other healthcare providers that are aware of and understand ME/CFS, or are willing to take the time to learn more about it. With an estimated 20,000 Manitobans (Stats Canada) living with ME/CFS, it is time to raise awareness and have support for what is truly a very debilitating and life-altering illness.
We can’t expect physicians to know about every different type of illness. We also realize that understanding this invisible illness is extremely difficult. Many of us look fine on the outside, despite feeling unwell so often. Physicians have new research and studies presented to them all the time. On this website, we are trying to help our family physicians, specialists, and other healthcare providers understand our illness from the patients’ perspectives and the medical/research community as a whole. The physician resources cited on this website come from top medical facilities from around the world.
Our Objectives & Goals:
Provides support to people with ME/CFS and their caregivers. Know that you are not alone.
Safe place for sharing,
confidentiality & privacy assured.
Health self-management education,
so you can take care of yourself first.
Learn from others, everyone is equal,
our group is respectful and non-judgemental.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? Reach out to us
to understand how we can help
or click below to start learning different
ways of adapting to your illness.